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Brewers Association Includes Acquired Craft Brands in 10K Brewery Goal

“Although BA-defined U.S. craft brewers combined to make up 13 percent of the beer sold last year, [Brewers Association Chief Economist Bart] Watson said,
all “fuller-flavored beer” — including about 9 million barrels produced by acquired craft brands — amounted to about 17 percent of the beer market.”

Bart Watson
Brewers Association Chief Economist
at Meeting of the Malts 2019

This quote was published in Brewbound reporting on last week’s annual Meeting of the Malts in Hershey Pennsylvania, and the BA’s goal of having “10,000 breweries in operation in the U.S. within the next two years.”  Read the full article here.

Sam, Mark, myself, and the teams at both Portland Kettle Works and Crafting a Strategy are humbled in light of this statement.  Thank you Bart.

Thad Fisco
Owner, Portland Kettle Works

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Portland Kettle Works was founded in 2011 in Portland, Oregon USA. We build high-quality stainless steel beverage and brewing equipment. We have built and installed over 375 state-of-the-art craft breweries worldwide. As a result, our craft brewing clients are among the best of the best. They regularly win beer tasting competitions and they have the gold, silver and bronze medals to prove it. We’ve expanded into winemaking so, if you’re serious about winemaking, contact us so we can help you, too. And, if you’re located in Mexico or Latin America, click here to visit our Spanish language site.

University of Maine Craft Brewery Survey

University of Maine Craft Brewery Survey

Support the Craft Brewery Industry with Your Participation

The University of Maine is conducting a great survey of small craft breweries. This information will prove informative to all brewery operators, and we will make sure to send the results to everyone in a future email and blog article.
Thad Fisco
Portland Kettle Works and LABrewatory

Take the Survey

Greetings Craft Brewery Professionals!

We need your help.

We are an international research team from the University of Maine and Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne in Switzerland conducting a research project on the craft brewery industry.

The purpose of this study is to understand how the craft brewery industry can better strategize around innovation, sustainability, and economic growth, while at the same time maintaining their connection with the local community.  Our goal is to generate a global benchmark report that we will share with all survey participants; we welcome anyone who is a brewer, owner, or heavily involved as an employee/associate of a craft brewery in any country. Your response is very important and will help us produce this report.

The survey only takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Your responses are completely anonymous, and the data will only be shared in the aggregate.  Any company information will be kept strictly confidential.

Take the Survey

As a token of our appreciation, we are providing a $10 Amazon gift card to the first 50 respondents completing our survey. Many thanks!

In case you should have any questions or would like to know more about our project, please contact me, the principal investigator.  Once again, we thank you in advance for participating in this important project.


Nic Erhardt – Principal Investigator
Associate Dean
Director, MBS Professional Development Center
University of Maine Business School

Take the Survey

Portland Kettle Works was founded in 2011 in Portland, Oregon USA. We build high-quality stainless steel beverage and brewing equipment. We have built and installed over 300 state of the art craft breweries worldwide. As a result, our craft brewing clients are among the best of the best. They regularly win beer tasting competitions and they have the gold, silver and bronze medals to prove it. We’ve expanded into winemaking so, if you’re serious about winemaking, contact us so we can help you, too. And, if you’re located in Mexico or Latin America, click here to visit our Spanish language site.