At PKW, we received the following email from Center Street Brewing about their recent brewery opening and just had to share the good news!
We opened our doors this past weekend and were met with a packed house both days! 40 to 50 people waiting to get in, and a packed house in the tap room. We are super proud of our team, and Portland Kettle Works is an integral part of that! We absolutely love the brewing equipment and it has out-performed our expectations! Thanks to everyone at PKW! From our team here at Center Street Brewing Company, to all of the team at Portland Kettle Works and The LABrewatory.
Below is a link to an article that was front cover (top fold) of today’s local newspaper [The Record-Journal]. Couldn’t help but to throw in a PKW thanks!
Local News Article: Center Street Opens Its Doors in Wallingford CT
Pete Ford,
Co-Owner, Head Brewer, Greeter of Beer Drinkers, and Bathroom Cleaner
Center Street Brewing Company

At PKW, we loaded Center Street’s brewery system on a truck one rainy day last December, 4 months before their brewery opening, for it’s cross-country trek from Portland OR to Wallingham CT
Portland Kettle Works was founded in 2011 in Portland, Oregon USA. We build high-quality stainless steel beverage and brewing equipment. We have built and installed over 375 state-of-the-art craft breweries worldwide. As a result, our craft brewing clients are among the best of the best. They regularly win beer tasting competitions and they have the gold, silver and bronze medals to prove it. We’ve expanded into winemaking so, if you’re serious about winemaking, contact us so we can help you, too. And, if you’re located in Mexico or Latin America, click here to visit our Spanish language site.